Sunday, May 23, 2010

Festy Fest is the best Saturday night

As the sun set on the second day of Festy Fest a fantastic lineup of bands came on both stages, providing continuous, rockin music all night. Lawrence's fourth annual Festy Fest music festival was the biggest yet, with great local bands and friends from other states came to play together for three days straight.

The open fields and forested path between stages were soft but comfortable after days of rain last week, with perfect weather all day Saturday for the outdoor festival. Despite the humidity a day earlier, there were no bugs, and a cool breeze to keep hot bodies from getting tired too early.

Mouth really got the crowd going on Stage 2 around 8:30 p.m. with funky, dance jams. The audience filled the tent with dancing bodies, and surrounded it with folks chillin on their blankets. The band had Evan Leitnaker adding extra percussion beats and rhythms to their own funky jam, making it a more intricate, exciting experience. The band finished a rockstar set just in time for the crowd to migrate back to Stage 1 for Mountain Sprout.

Unfortunately for Mountain Sprout, the sound technician working behind the scenes was messing up horribly. Despite the band's best efforts to put on a good show, playing many of their best songs with their signature wild energy, issues with the band's ability to hear themselves, and microphones cutting out made it difficult to get into the music. Fortunately it wasn't long before another awesome band would be playing on the second stage.

Sonic Sutra jammed with fierce passion on Stage 2, crowding the tent with pumped up music lovers getting groovy. The local minstrels played their hearts out to an audience that loves them, and made the night theirs for a while. Even so, the fans were eager to get back to Stage 1 in time for Split Lip Rayfield.

The punky bluegrass trio took the already-hyped crowd and blasted off with the energy. The band broke out some of their best hits, getting everyone cheering and dancing. Split Lip Rayfield always puts on a great show, and held the audience until the end of their set.

Soon after Split Lip was over, The Floozies got going on Stage 2. The Hill brothers rocked out, when their equipment was working, but once again sound guys were doing their worst. Right in the middle of great jams and funky dance tunes the synthesizer would suddenly go mute, as if the sound guy had simply unplugged the amps. Mark kept on with the drums for a time, to make up for the awkward silence, but there's nothing worse than an awesome song getting cut short.

Somasphere was up next with heavy, electronic drum and bass. The thumping, pumping beats make this band's shows a dance party. By this time of the night the audience was going full-throttle, and Somasphere rode with the energy, making the night feel endless.

Last, but not least Rocket Science came on, throwing down sick beats and rhythms for a dance party to get funky with. IDM, or Intelligent Dance Music is too clever and slick to resist getting down to. Everyone at the festival was still raging it throughout the set that started at 3:30 p.m.

Aside from the weak sound guys messing things up for some of the great bands' sets, Saturday night was an epic first taste of the festival season starting up.

Next week: Summer Camp Music Festival!

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